Want to get rich? Check out this article with the top 10 special investment tips for those who are starting to invest. Learn how to pay off debts and make financial planning to have more income. Also discover the most recommended investments in fixed and variable income.

How to invest little money? Where does it pay more? Where to start?
Investment tips abound on the internet. There are hundreds of texts talking about what you should do with your money.
However, it is important to be careful with the sources consulted , especially those that promise formulas to get rich quick.
Investing is a process that must be built and monitored frequently. Thus, you will have excellent results in the future.
Are your finances in a mess and you don't know where to start?
Most of the richest people in the world started from scratch. So you can get there too.
To help you, we've prepared a complete guide with incredible investment tips to get you started on the right foot.
These are the topics we will cover throughout the content The importance of investments
10 investment tips you need to know
Extra investment tips for beginners
Good reading!
How important are investments?
There are no shortcuts in the investment world!
The shortest and fastest way to get rich is to learn about the meaning of money in your life.
It allows you to make your dreams come true, such as taking a vacation , reaching your first million or having a peaceful retirement .
In addition, money brings quality of life in the present. With it, you are free to buy whatever you want, offer good conditions for your children and have unique experiences.
For all this to be possible, it is essential to know how to use money. At this point, the habit of saving and investing comes into play .
Saving part of your income is the basic requirement to have a better future and not have concerns in the present such as debts .
However, there is a factor against the accumulation of money: inflation . Therefore, you may have heard that anyone who “keeps it under the mattress” is doomed to have nothing.
The IPCA is an index that measures the price movement of a basket of products and, consequently, the appreciation or devaluation of the currency over time.
It is measured every month to understand the impacts of price changes on the Brazilian consumer. After all, the R$50.00 of 2010 no longer has the same purchasing power today.
For example: R$1000.00 in 2010 would be equivalent to R$2,039.08 today in purchasing power.
Inflation eats away at some of your money's purchasing power over time. To protect yourself from it, there are investments.
These are investments where you lend your money and in return receive interest plus the inflation measured in the period.
By investing, you can make your dreams come true in less time than planned. Just make the right choices and follow the tips in this article.
10 investment tips you need to know – How to learn to invest money?
So far, we've learned about the importance of investments to avoid inflation and promote profitability to your net worth.
Now, not to let you down, we've listed 10 investment tips for you to become a successful investor.
1. Do your financial planning
The first thing to start investing is to do your financial planning . It provides the mapping of your finances, that is, the inputs and outputs of your budget.
You can use spreadsheets or mobile apps to do this. Write down all expenses, even the little ones like, everyday coffee.
And don't forget the recurring expenses that occur over long periods such as insurance, taxes and others.
With your planning in hand, identify superfluous expenses and savings opportunities. Thus, you will have more money to invest.
Also establish the amount to be applied and the frequency, for example, apply BRL 500.00 per month.
In addition to doing financial planning, you must follow it. Set aside some time each week to review your balance sheet. In a short time, the difference will be clear.
2. Know what your goals are

This tip is very important. Have well-defined goals. They will be a motivation for you.
After doing your financial planning, think about what you want to do with the money saved , for example, achieving financial freedom, studying abroad or setting up your own business.
Select five of them and separate them into short, medium and long term. The completion period helps you stay focused to invest.
3. Get out of debt
If you have debts, first eliminate them before making any investments. With them, it will be difficult to accumulate a solid equity.
Even if your investments have a high rate of return, the loss of interest charged by banks and finance companies will usually be greater.
If you are a beginner and you have debt, get out of it as soon as possible. Start with surveying the total amount and look for ways to negotiate. There are lenders who offer discounts or installments.
4. Don't invest in banks
Now, let's get to the best part, which is starting to invest.
But why not invest with banks?
They charge fees that reduce the final profitability of the investments and the variety of products tends to be smaller and the yield rates offered are low .
5. Know the main investments for beginners
As you are starting to invest, there are probably many doubts about which applications to choose, isn't there?
The safest option is fixed income . Basically, it is a debt security issued by an institution such as the government or banks.
So they raise money from investors to finance their activities. In exchange, they offer a rate of return, which in turn can be prefixed or post-fixed.
The first category consists of a fixed income , that is, you invest and you already know how much you will receive on the maturity date.
An example would be a prefixed bond that pays 10% per annum. Regardless of market conditions, the returns will be the same.
The post-fixed rate is linked to an index of the economy such as the CDI, IPCA and the Selic rate . Therefore, the yield is a percentage of the indicator.
In general, fixed income investments make your money always grow safely.
Also, they are simple to apply and require lighter follow-up compared to stocks.
Fixed income investments are: CDB (Bank Deposit Certificate)
Treasury Direct
LCI (Real Estate Letter of Credit)
LCA (Agribusiness Letter of Credit)
Fixed Income Investment Funds
LC (Bills of Exchange)
CRI (Real Estate Receivables Certificate)
CRA (Agribusiness Receivables Certificate)
When choosing your investments, the ideal is to know about each one of them.
Bear in mind that some investments may have higher risk, as is the case with CRI/CRA and debentures.
So, you need to know your tolerance for this factor through your investor profile. Basically, the classification is: Conservative
aggressive or bold
By defining your risk tolerance, you will be able to make more assertive and appropriate choices for your goals as an investor.
Also consider factors such as minimum contribution, expected yield and application period.
Do you already invest in fixed income and are thinking of going to the Stock Exchange? Check out in this video the right time to start investing in stocks:
6. Make an emergency reservation
The first focus of the money invested should be on building your emergency reserve .
Like any good investor, you also need to be prepared for eventualities.
Experts recommend that the emergency fund amount be equivalent to six months of your monthly expenses .
To invest in your protection, the ideal is to use liquid investments , as they pay daily income.
The most suitable for this is the Selic Treasury (LFT). It is a public title , therefore it is safer.
In addition, its profitability is approximately the basic interest rate, because the direct treasury pays Selic+TR . So, you will have an emergency reserve with good income.
Another advantage is the predictability of returns, making your investment grow in a linear and predictable way most of the time.
So, if you need to sell it at any time, the yield losses are small compared to other bonds.
7. Diversify investments
One of the secrets of great investors, such as Warren Buffett and Paulo Lemann, is investment diversification.
The objective is to apply the money in various types of investments to obtain good returns regardless of market conditions.
Diversification also generates a cash flow in your portfolio, that is, there are recurring inflows from investment returns.
That money can be used for reinvestments in new assets or to pay your bills.
Keeping a diversified portfolio is a great way to hedge against market volatility.
8. Have patience and discipline
This tip can be very difficult to follow, but it is certainly one of the keys to becoming a successful investor.
Take control of yourself. Avoid making decisions based on momentary wills and emotions. Always prioritize your goals.
Fixed income investments, even with good rates of return, do not bring wealth overnight . So, be patient and keep investing.
In case you think that the stock market is a sure enrichment, be very careful.
With it, you will need even more patience, because assets are subject to daily fluctuations. Today a share worth $20.00 may be worth $10.00 tomorrow.
Often, the best thing to do is simply control the mood and let the market flow.
Thus, we can say that each investment has a behavior. Know the assets before you buy them . To start, prioritize those with lower risks.
9. Evaluate variable income investments
Once you have formed your investment portfolio with fixed income and become a more experienced investor, it may be interesting to reserve part of your capital to invest in variable income .
There are many ways to invest in the stock market with lower risks. Some of the most recommended are Equity Investment Funds or Multimercados and ETFs.
Funds are like a condominium where several investors entrust their money to a management company that distributes equity in assets according to an investment objective and policy.
But remember: funds can be invested in fixed income or be exclusively fixed income.
While ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are index funds composed of a group of assets, such as company shares, there are fixed income ETFs, cryptos, etc.
The objective of their profitability is a variable income index such as the Ibovespa (IBOV) and the Small Cap (SMLL).
These investments are diversified . Thus, the risk in this type of asset is lower than in relation to separate securities.
Furthermore, application costs are lower . If you want to invest in stocks with little money, they can be good alternatives.
Another way to invest in the stock exchange is through the direct purchase of assets. Despite being treated as a high-risk investment, this can be an interesting alternative for your portfolio.
For a beginner in this field, a great way to pick stocks is to get an idea of how fundamental analysis works .
With this, you will know the basic principles for choosing companies that are listed on the stock exchange.
If you are looking for tips for investing in stocks, take a look at the recommended portfolios.
In this case, specialists from stockbrokers select assets and assemble a portfolio, based on studies and advanced analysis.
With them, you can have very attractive income.
10. Track your investments and the market
It's not enough just to invest your money, you need to monitor the performance of your applications , especially variable income ones.
Therefore, the ideal is to analyze the results at least every six months. Compare the obtained returns with your expectations.
Also check the market conditions. Did interest rates drop? Did the bag reach 80,000 points? Did the dollar rise?
From there, make the necessary adjustments, for example, reduce exposure to the stock market and increase fixed income.
Another tip is to follow the market news and those related to your investments daily.
According to them, it is possible to make decisions to protect your money . Keep in mind that being well-informed is essential to being a successful investor.
Conclusion and extra investment tips
If there is a problem in any part of these three pillars, your investments are at risk. After all, if there are no gains, you will hardly be able to save or invest.
In order not to compromise this logic, understand one of the best investment tips : know your current financial cycle. Are you in the phase of accumulating, monetizing or protecting capital?
That answer depends on how much equity you have and how old they are. If you're young and still don't have assets, it means you need to accumulate.
At this stage, the best thing to do is to start investing in more accessible alternatives, such as Treasury Direct bonds and Investment Funds.
If you are already a stable adult in the job market with a good income and some saved capital, it is time to look for the best income in the medium and long term.
Or else, if you already have a good asset capable of sustaining you only with your profitability, you need to invest safely to maintain your financial independence.
So respect your time and your financial moment. Invest with patience and discipline , and you will soon reach your goals.
Prioritize fixed income investments and have healthy exposure to equities. If you make good choices, results will follow.
Source: Primo Rico